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Desserts-to-Go 2022


The love from Melrose keeps on giving. Thanks to so many generous bakers, we will have desserts to deliver to Bread of Life for 4 weeks. What an amazing act of service!

🏘 104 families

🍪 2500 desserts

🗓 5 weeks worth of special treats for nightly meals at bread of life

Little kids

Big kids

Aunts and uncles



Moms and dads

So many personal touches from notes and allergy labels to stickers and bows

So much heart

Melr❤️se T❤️gether


In partnership with Melrose Human Rights Commission MLK Day(s) of Service, Melrose Kid’s (of all ages) BAKE, PACKAGE, DROP OFF, DONE! It's that simple and will mean so much!

Each week, the Bread of Life in Malden serves evening meals to local neighbors in need. Since the pandemic started, nightly meal service has increased and they are now serving 80-140 meals per night, Tuesday through Friday every week.

November 18

Give a Gobble

June 23

Pride in the Park at the Melrose Farmers' Market